Private Sponsoring

As a patron, you support exciting exhibitions and building projects and help to facilitate the mediation of art and culture, realize research projects or donate works.

Sponsoring Groups

Join one of our support associations and experience the benefits of a wide range of offers such as free access to all exhibitions and exclusive invitations to guided tours and special events.

  • Verein der Freunde Kunstmuseum Bern

    Promotion of the Kunstmuseum Bern through the co-financing of exhibitions and the purchase of important works.

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  • Bernische Kunstgesellschaft

    Supporting young artists & promoting an understanding of contemporary art.

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  • Berner Kunstfonds

    Financial support for the art and exhibition operations of the Kunsthalle and the Kunstmuseum in a combined package.

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  • Stiftung Kunsthalle Bern

    Acquisition of contemporary art by artists from the Kunsthalle & for exhibitions at the Kunstmuseum Bern.

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  • Vernissage Tracey Rose
  • Kunstvermittlung KMB
  • Katharina Grosse Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum Bern
  • Vernissage Heidi Bucher
  • Paul Klee, Ad Parnassum, 1932
  • Markus Raetz Ausstellung im Kunstmuseum Bern

Further opportunities to get involved

  • Besucherin vor dem See-Gemälde

    Donate now

    Your donation will help the Kunstmuseum Bern to preserve and expand its collection, implement a broad educational program, fulfill its research mandate and stage important exhibitions.

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  • Selbstbildnis von Giovanni Giacometti

    Gifts, inheritances & legacies

    With a donation, an inheritance or a legacy, you can support the Kunstmuseum Bern in fulfilling its cultural mission for future generations.

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  • Rendering Siegerprojekt «Eiger», Blick vom Waisenhausplatz

    Kunstmuseum Bern of the future

    The “Kunstmuseum Bern of the future” renewal project will facilitate culture and art experiences, encounters and education in a contemporary setting. Your support will help us to safeguard the future of Kunstmuseum Bern!

    Read more


Birgit Achatz

Head of Sponsoring & Fundraising 
Kunstmuseum Bern-Zentrum Paul Klee
+41 31 328 09 10

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