Open until 9:00 PM on Tuesdays

Special events 07.11.2014 – 07.11.2014 CHF 30.00 / red. CHF 15.00

CANCELLED: PUBLIC SYMPOSIUM IN the PRESENCE OF THE ARTIST Bethan Huws: Reading Duchamp, Research Notes 2007-2014

Aufgrund der kurzfristigen Absagen von zwei Referenten sehen wir uns leider veranlasst, das Symposium abzusagen. Wir danken für Ihr Verständnis und informieren auf über etwaige weitere Veranstaltungen.

List of speakers:

Paul B. Franklin (editor-in-chief of the magazine Étant donné Marcel Duchamp, Paris) 
Bernard Marcadé (art historian, Professor of Aesthetics and Art History, Paris-Cergy) 
Françoise Le Penven (art historian and theorist, Paris) 
Cécile Debray (conservator, curator at the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris) 
Hans-Rudolf Reust (art critic, author and lecturer at HKB Bern) 
moderated by Kathleen Bühler (curator at the Kunstmuseum Bern) 

Languages of the symposium are German / French / English (simultaneous interpretation) 


10:30 a.m. Doors open 
11:00 a.m. Cécile Debray on the current exhibition she is curating Marcel Duchamp: La peinture, même at Centre Pompidou, Paris (FR) 
Midday Paul B. Franklin: «Duchamp’s Franglais» On Duchamp’s relationship to English and the influence of English on future language experiments (EN) 
1:00 p.m. Standing lunch and discussion with the speakers in the lounge (included in the fee) 
2:00 p.m. Bethan Huws in discussion with Hans Rudolf Reust (EN) 
3:00 p.m. Françoise Le Penven: «When langage becomes form»: On Marcel Duchamp’s Language Situation (FR) 
4:00 p.m. Bernard Marcadé: «Duchamp, ministre des coïncidences» (FR) 
5:00 p.m. Kathleen Bühler: Sum up and a forward look (DE), subsequently a further visit to the exhibition 
6:00 p.m. End of event 


CHF 30.00 / reduced CHF 15.00 (Students / artists, please bring your student and artist identity cards) 
Lunch and entry fee to the exhibition are included. 


The number of participants is limited. Registration will take place according to date of receipt. Please register by Monday, 3 November 2104 
, Tel. + 41 31 328 09 44, Fax +41 31 328 09 55