Provenance categories

The evaluation of findings from basic provenance research is represented in a differentiated system as follows.

«Yellow-green» and «yellow-red» are defined dynamically. Ratings according to these categories may change as a result of new research findings.

The «yellow-green» and «yellow-red» categories take account of incomplete knowledge. In contrast to other assessment systems, they enable a qualified judgement to be made. Categorisation as «yellow-red» can be the basis for a decision in the sense of a just and fair solution in accordance with the Washington Principles (1998).

The provenance for the perion from 1933 to 1945 can be reconstructed. This is not a case of looted art.
The provenance from 1933 to 1945 has not been unambiguously clarified; gaps in the ownership history remain. According to current research, there is no evidence of looted art. There are no implications of looted art and / or conspicuous circumstances.
The provenance from 1933 to 1945 has not been conclusively clarified; gaps in the ownership history remain. According to the current research, there is no evidence of looted art. There are, however, implications of looted art and / or conspicuous circumstances.
The provenance for the period from 1933 to 1945 can be reconstructed. This is a case of looted art.

Die Berner Ampel: Kategorien zur Bewertung von Erkenntnissen der Provenienzforschung, Kunstmuseum Bern 2021. © Kunstmuseum Bern

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