Media Release We 21.08.2013

zwischen den Worten – entre les mots – fra le parole. Hommage à Mumprecht, 23.08. - 10.11.2013

The Aura of Language

The Kunstmuseum Bern is mounting an exhibition in homage to Rudolf Mumprecht in celebration of his 95th birthday. Mumprecht is a renowned Bern artist, but his fame extends far beyond the borders of the region too. The selection of exhibits focuses on the artist’s late work in which he exclusively engages with the aura of language and its visual evocativeness. The works in the show stem from the artist’s studio and various private Swiss collections.

With the title zwischen den Worten – entre les mots – fra le parole the exhibition is investigating the space of Mumprecht’s distinctive artistic signature, exploring the radius of possible interdependencies within his work. “Space" is comprehended therein as both poetic and artistic space.

Irresistable appeal
Mumprecht has always pursued a highly individual path in his art. He is in search of the origins of what comprises the essence of humankind. In contrast to Cy Twombly, who also addressed text, image, language and symbolic figures in his work, Mumprecht’s investigations leave the path of mythological narratives and instead follow nature as their guide. Life has a profound impact on Mumprecht, and the intensity and impressions thereof are manifest in his linguistic images. His pictures radiate an irresistible appeal, poignantly stirring the emotions of their viewers with words such as “Zeit” (time), “Liebe" (love), “Hoffnung” (hope) or “Einklang” (harmony).

Demanding but open to all
Mumprecht brings his words to canvas in spontaneous but likewise precise gestures. Oui et non, demain, tant de temps, dopodomani—we can never be sure whether his works are stating a fact, questioning or proclaiming something. Mumprecht necessitates of his viewers that they actively explore the interstices of his art, combining and recombining the associations evoked by the paintings for themselves.
The exhibition has been thematically arranged so that the artworks can be continually interpreted anew in the context of the other pictures around them. Mumprecht’s art is very demanding while simultaneously being open to all. The environment, nature, music, poetry, philosophy: the artist is receptive to all these things. Apparent is his tranquility, his aloofness to everyday hustle and bustle, his positive and cheerful attitude to life, his humor and the poetic nature of his art. He merges all these qualities into a unified and balanced whole in the semblance of “word and image".

Artworks from Mumprecht’s studio and collections all over Switzerland
The exhibition is mounting artworks selected from the artist’s studio and various private collections throughout Switzerland. A book catalog will accompany the show. It reflects the basic structure of the exhibition with the chapters “Between Words”, “Stream of Consciousness”, “Space of Time”, “Music for the Eyes” and “Growth and Decay”, as well as two additional essays.           

Contact person: Brigit Bucher, , Tel.: +41 31 328 09 21
Images: Marie Louise Suter, , Tel.: +41 31 328 09 53